Waves of the soul

🇦🇷 Argentina 🇦🇷

We are an organization designed to help children and adolescents in situations of social risk through a mental health program to improve their well-being.

Our work

The beach functions
as a safe space
where participants are guided by attentive coaches and given the opportunity to learn new skills to deal with their difficult situations.

Surf therapy combines the benefits of sport with activities that help young people buil strong relationships, identify emotions, increase their confidence and build a positive vision of the future.

Surf therapy

We are a haven for children and teenagers.

Our mission

To promote the comprehensive well-being of the mental health of children and adolescents in situations of vulnerability within our community.


To establish ourselves as referents of SURF THERAPY, expanding it in the country and forming pillars of containment.

We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to ride waves and speak openly about mental health without being judged.


Gaining mastery over challenging situations and having new experiences are essential to developing a cohesive sense of self. Surfing offers the perfect playground to experience and practice both.


People need to experience a sense of belonging and connection with other people. Surfing has an inclusive character, which allows positive social interactions and friendships.


People need to feel in control of their own behaviors and goals. This sense of being able to take direct action will result in real change and plays an important role in helping people feel self-determined.

With our surf therapy program we intend to merge the fun activity of surfing with the achievement of these 3 basic psychological needs. The surf therapy program was developed for youth growing up in underserved and disadvantaged communities, where opportunities are few.

You can also take a child to the beach

Our programs depend heavily on your support.

Support our work

Thanks to all those who have traveled with us over the years.
Would you consider becoming a monthly donor?
If not, would you like to make a one-time donation?

Contributions, large or small, allow us to sustain our critical work with vulnerable children.
To facilitate our surf therapy sessions, we need surfboards, water, milk, cocoa, and food for
the kids, we need to transport the kids and all the surfboards to the beaches, and we need
mentors who care about our participants.

With USD 25

We can offer water and snacks during a surf therapy session for all participants.

With USD 400

we can buy a new surfboard including also the accessories.

With USD 500

we can offer surf therapy to a child for a period of one year.

With USD 9600

you will be sponsoring a complete cycle of surf therapy (12 months, 24 children).

Bank account details in US dollars

Name of the owner: Maira Belen Pinto
CUIT: 27346700322
Account number: 33257540157191
Alias: OLAS-ARG-
CBU: 0110754031075401571916

If you have any question, you can write us an email to hola@olasdelalmaargentina.org and we will get back to you as soon as possibe. Thanks so much!

Let´s meet on instagram

Our tribe